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2023-08-15 浏览量(1031)

US/美国:新美联储通讯社:通胀降温为美联储9月暂停加息敞开大门/New Fed News: Cooling inflation leaves door open for Fed to pause rate hikes in September

新美联储通讯社:通胀降温为美联储9月暂停加息敞开大门,美联储通讯社"之称的记者Nick Timiraos等人在美国CPI数据发布后撰文称,美国7月份物价压力继续降温,这可能会阻止美联储在9月份继续加息。

New Fed News: Cooling Inflation Opens the Door for the Fed to Pause Rate Hikes in September, Fed News reporter Nick Timiraos and others write after the release of the US CPI data, saying that US price pressures continued to cool in July, which may prevent the Fed from making further progress in the future. Continue to raise interest rates in September.


South African/南非:南非工会反对向嘉能可冶炼厂收取电力附加费/SA unions oppose power surcharges for Glencore smelters

南非工会反对向嘉能可冶炼厂收取电力附加费, 2023年8月12日,南非电力公司Eskom向南非南非国家能源监管机构(Nersa) 申请达成协商定价协议(NPA)-向嘉能可公司的勒斯坦堡冶炼厂收取电费附加费用。这是超出了南非国家能源监管机构 (ersa) 的电力成本的。

South African trade unions object to charging Glencore smelters with electricity surcharges On August 12, 2023, South African power company Eskom applied to South Africa's National Energy Regulator (Nersa) for a Negotiated Pricing Agreement (NPA) - to Glencore's The Le Steinburg smelter charges a surcharge for electricity. This is in excess of South Africa's National Energy Regulatory Agency (ersa) electricity costs.


Korean/韩国:韩国金属硅进口价格小幅上涨/South Korea's import price of silicon metal rose slightly 


The import price of silicon metal in Korea rose slightly. The mainstream import price of silicon metal 4-4-1 in the Korean market reached US$1,870-1.900/ton CIF Korea.


Europe/欧洲:预计欧洲央行将在9月会议上维持利率不变。Europe: The ECB is expected to keep rates unchanged at its September meeting.

 德国中央合作银行分析师Chbristian Reicherter表示,鉴于欧元区相当野淡的经济前是以及通胀压力将逐步缓解的预期,预计欧洲央行将在9月会议上维持利率不变。事实上,预计欧洲央行管委会的鸽派和鹰派成员之间将达成一种妥协。这可能意味着欧央行将放弃进一步加息,但通过调整债券购买计划来减少货币政策刺激措施。

Chbristian Reicherter, an analyst at DZ Bank, said the ECB is expected to keep interest rates unchanged at its September meeting, given the rather sluggish economic outlook in the euro zone and expectations that inflationary pressures will gradually ease. In fact, expect a compromise between dovish and hawkish members of the ECB Governing Council. That could mean the ECB will forego further rate hikes, but reduce monetary policy stimulus by tweaking its bond-buying program.


Vietnam/越南:计划在北部地区建设三个新的铝土矿矿。Vietnam: plans to build three new bauxite mines in the northern region.

越南制定氧化铝产业发展规划越南工业和贸易部宣布,该国当局计划在北部地区一一谅山省和高平省建设三个新的铝土矿矿。项目总产能为155-225万吨/年。此外,越南政府正在探索在中部四个省份每年开采 68-11220 万吨铝土矿的可能性。根据美国地质调查局的数据,越南铝土矿储量估计为 58 亿吨,位居世界第二 仅次于几内亚)

Vietnam formulates alumina industry development plan Vietnam's Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that the country's authorities plan to build three new bauxite mines in the northern provinces of Lang Son and Cao Binh. The total production capacity of the project is 1.55-2.25 million tons/year. In addition, the Vietnamese government is exploring the possibility of mining 680,000-112.2 million tons of bauxite per year in the four central provinces. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, Vietnam’s bauxite reserves are estimated at 5.8 billion tons, ranking second in the world after Guinea)