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2023-08-31 浏览量(997)

Europe/欧洲:铬铁需求回升,但不明显。Ferrochromium demand picks up, but not significantly.

欧洲高碳铬铁价格因卖方报价上涨而上涨,而最终用户在夏季维护停产后已逐渐开始返回现货市场。Fastmarkets 对欧洲交付的 0.10% C 铬铁(平均含铬量为 65-70% Cr)的每两周价格评估为每磅铬 2.303.15 美元。

European high-carbon ferrochromium prices rose on higher offers from sellers, while end-users have gradually started returning to the spot market after summer maintenance shutdowns. Fastmarkets' fortnightly price assessment for 0.10% C ferrochrome (average 65-70% Cr) delivered in Europe is $2.303.15 per lb of Cr.


Gabon/加蓬:加蓬军事政变导致埃赫曼锰矿开采和铁路运营停止。Military coup in Gabon halts Ermann manganese mining and rail operations.

加蓬军事政变导致埃赫曼锰矿开采和铁路运营停止,大量高品位加蓬矿石预计将在未来四个星期内抵达中国,如果政治不稳定继续对采矿和铁路活动造成干扰,这可能会减轻对供应的潜在影响。Large volumes of high-grade Gabonese ore are expected to arrive in China within the next four weeks following a military coup in Gabon that halted Ermann manganese mining and rail operations, which could ease constraints on supply if political instability continues to disrupt mining and rail activity potential impact.


铬铁招标价格/Ferrochrome Tender Price:青山9月铬铁招标价格每吨上调41美元。Tsingshan raises $41/t tender price for September ferrochrome .

青山9月铬铁招标价格每吨上调41美元,8 月 28 日星期一,中国不锈钢巨头青山将9 月份交货的高碳铬铁招标价格每吨提高 300 元 (41 美元) 至每 .95 元(1.233 美元) 。中国另外两家主要不锈钢厂太原钢铁公司 (太钢) 和宝钢也将9月份招标价格每吨上调300元。

Tsingshan raises $41/t tender price for September ferrochrome .Chinese stainless giant Tsingshan raised its tender price for high-carbon ferrochrome for September delivery by 300 yuan ($41) per tonne to 95 yuan per tonne on Monday, Aug. 28 ($1.233). Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Taiyuan Iron and Steel) and Baosteel, two other major Chinese stainless steel mills, also raised their September bidding prices by RMB 300 per tonne.


Europe/欧洲:欧洲钢铁关税。European steel tariffs.

据彭博社报道,欧盟将加强与美国的接触,力求在 10 月份之前达成协议,监管钢铁和铝贸易,并避免可能取消对价值数十亿美元的跨大西洋出口产品征收的关税。欧盟贸易主管瓦尔迪斯·东布罗夫斯基斯 aldis Dombrovskis) 在印度斋浦尔举行的 G20 贸易会议间隙接受采访时表示:"我们目前正集中精力不错过最后期限。""我们正在努力集中精力并就钢铁和铝生产的全球产能和可持续性达成一致一一我可以说我们仍有工作要做。”所谓的《可持续钢铁和铝全球协议》旨在结束 2018 年因前总统唐纳德·特朗普对欧洲金属出口征收关税而引发的贸易争端。两年前,双方同意暂停惩罚措施,以寻求最终解决方案。如果未能在 10 月 31 日的最后期限前完成,价值超过100 亿美元的出口关税将自动恢复。

The European Union will step up engagement with the United States, seeking to reach an agreement by October to regulate trade in steel and aluminum and avoid a potential rollback of tariffs on billions of dollars worth of transatlantic exports, according to Bloomberg. "We are currently concentrating on not missing the deadline," EU trade chief Aldis Dombrovskis said in an interview on the sidelines of the G20 trade meeting in Jaipur, India. energy and agree on global capacity and sustainability of steel and aluminum production — I can say we still have work to do." The trade spat sparked by Trump's tariffs on European metal exports. Two years ago, the two sides agreed to suspend the punitive measures in order to find a final solution. If the Oct. 31 deadline is not met, export duties worth more than $10 billion will automatically reinstate.


硅铁/FeSi:德国硅铁75%min价格稳定在1,320-1,20欧元/吨。The German ferrosilicon 75%min price is stable at 1,320-1,20 euros/ton.


The German ferrosilicon 75%min price is stable at 1,320-1,20 euros/ton,warehouse delivery market needs more time to recover. They forecast mainstream prices for German FeSi 75%min to rise in the coming week given higher demand.