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2023-10-18 浏览量(978)


阿尔巴尼亚高碳铬铁生产商GSA二季度减产/Albanian high-carbon ferrochrome producer GSA cuts production in second quarter 

阿尔巴尼亚高碳铬铁生产商GSA已关闭其老化的1号炉进行翻新工作, 预计到2024年第二季度,铬铁生产量将减少2万吨。 

Albanian high-carbon ferrochrome producer GSA has shut down its aging No. 1 furnace for renovation work and expects to reduce ferrochrome production by 20,000 tons by the second quarter of 2024.

欧元区经济在2023年剩余时间内将处于“明显停滞”状态/Eurozone economy to be at 'clear stagnation' for remainder of 2023

欧洲央行首席经济学家连恩表示,欧元区经济在2023年剩余时间内将处于“明显停滞”状态,欧洲央行将尽可能久地维持高利率水平;通胀 仍有意外上行风险,欧洲央行需对进一步政策行动保持开放立场. 

Lane, the chief economist of the European Central Bank, said that the euro zone economy will be in a state of "obvious stagnation" for the remainder of 2023, and the European Central Bank will maintain high interest rates as long as possible; there are still risks of unexpected upward inflation, and the European Central Bank needs to respond further Policy actions remain open.

马士基要求运往欧盟的钢铁货物提供非俄罗斯原产地证明/Maersk requires non-Russian certificate of origin for steel cargo shipped to EU
领先的航运公司马士基通知其客户,他们必须为运往欧盟 (EU)的钢铁产品提供非俄罗斯原产地证明。该公司声明称,自2023年9月30日起, 对原产于俄罗斯的钢铁产品的禁令生效,要求所有客户提供证据证明即将登陆欧盟的钢铁产品所使用的材料是非-俄罗斯血统。 

Leading shipping company Maersk has informed its customers that they must provide non-Russian certificates of origin for steel products shipped to the European Union (EU). The company stated in a statement that the ban on steel products originating in Russia will take effect from September 30, 2023, requiring all customers to provide evidence that the materials used in steel products about to land in the EU are of non-Russian origin.

印度巴拉索尔合金公司维持铬铁最大产能生产/India's Balasore Alloys maintains ferrochrome production at maximum capacity

印度巴拉索尔合金公司维持铬铁最大产能生产,巴拉索尔合金公司于2022年12月恢复运营,目前正以最大产能生产。迄今为止,他们已成 功生产了8.5万吨铬铁。 

India's Balasore Alloys maintains ferrochromium production at maximum capacity. Balasore Alloys resumed operations in December 2022 and is currently producing at maximum capacity. To date, they have successfully produced 85,000 tons of ferrochromium.

南非、莫桑比克两国铬矿和铬铁运输量增加/The transportation volume of chrome ore and ferrochromium in South Africa and Mozambique increased

南非、莫桑比克两国铬矿和铬铁运输量增加. 南非AfricaTransnet Transnet货运铁路公司和莫桑比克Caminhos De Ferros De Mocambique 已同意,从9月1日起,两国之间的列车无缝运行将扩大到每天3列火车的铬和铬铁流量。 

South Africa and Mozambique have seen an increase in chrome ore and ferrochrome transport. South Africa's AfricaTransnet Transnet freight railway company and Mozambique's Caminhos De Ferros De Mocambique have agreed that from September 1, seamless train operations between the two countries will be expanded to three times a day. Train of chromium and ferrochromium flow.