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2024-08-01 浏览量(192)


欧洲硅锰与硅铁市场几乎没有商业活动/There is little business activity in the European SiMn and FeSi markets


There is little business activity in the European SiMn and FeSi markets, with most ferroalloy consumers shutting down for maintenance work over the next few weeks, many ferroalloy suppliers have left the market, while the remaining suppliers are finding it difficult to provide even indicative alloy quotations due to an almost complete lack of enquiries.


据CME“美联储观察”:美联储8月维持利率不变的概率为97.4%/According to CME's "Fed Watch": The probability of the Fed keeping interest rates unchanged in August is 97.4%


According to CME's "Fed Watch": The probability of the Fed keeping interest rates unchanged in August is 97.4%, and the probability of a 25 basis point rate cut is 2.6%. The probability of the Fed keeping interest rates unchanged in September is 6.8%.


中国最新的贷款利率下调未能提振钢铁市场/China's latest loan rate cut fails to boost steel market

中国最新的贷款利率下调未能提振钢铁市场,中国于7月 22 日第二次下调基准贷款利率(LPR),但在国内钢铁需求进一步疲软之际,此举未能提振钢铁市场情绪.

China's latest loan rate cut fails to boost steel market China cut its benchmark loan rate (LPR) for the second time on July 22, but the move failed to boost steel market sentiment as domestic steel demand weakened further.


Jimndal stainless建议取消镍铁和钼铁的关税并保持长期的零关税/Jimndal Stainless Steel proposes to remove tariffs on ferronickel and ferromolybdenum and maintain zero tariffs for a long time

2024年7月22日,在即将到来的印度政府税收预算案之前,印度不锈钢公司金达莱(Jimndal stainless)建议取消镍铁和钼铁的关税并保持长期的零关税,另外还在寻找办法向政府建议对废不锈钢,精炼镍同样征收零关税,但是希望印度政府对铬矿石的出口关税维持在30%。

On July 22, 2024, ahead of the upcoming Indian government tax budget, Indian stainless steel company Jimndal Stainless proposed to abolish tariffs on ferronickel and ferromolybdenum and maintain long-term zero tariffs. It is also looking for ways to propose to the government to impose zero tariffs on scrap stainless steel and refined nickel, but hopes that the Indian government will maintain the export tariff on chromium ore at 30%.